
Inventory: Top 10 policies of construction industry in 2020

Time : 2021-01-28

0oneGeneral contracting

The Ministry of housing and urban rural development and the national development and Reform Commission jointly issued the measures for the management of general contracting of projects, which has been implemented sincetwo thousand and twentyyearthreemonthoneIt will come into effect on the twoonest. The risk of price increase shall be borne by the construction unit and supervised by the supervisor/The survey and design engineer can be the project manager, and some construction and design qualifications can be mutually recognized.

The Ministry of housing and urban rural development and the national development and Reform Commission jointly issued the measures for the general contracting management of housing construction and municipal infrastructure projectstwo thousand and twentyyearthreemonthoneIt shall come into force on the twoonest.

The "measures" clearly stipulates that the construction unit shall bear the risk of the part whose fluctuation range exceeds the range agreed in the contract when comparing the price of main engineering materials, equipment and labor with the base price at the time of bidding.

oneRisks undertaken by the construction unit:

The price of main engineering materials, equipment and labor fluctuates more than that agreed in the contract when compared with the base price at the time of bidding;

Changes in contract price caused by changes in national laws, regulations and policies; changes in project cost and construction period caused by unforeseen geological conditions; changes in project cost and construction period caused by construction unit; changes in project cost and construction period caused by force majeure. The specific content of risk sharing shall be agreed by both parties in the contract. The construction unit shall not set unreasonable construction period or arbitrarily reduce the reasonable construction period.

twoMutual recognition of construction and design qualifications:

Construction units are encouraged to apply for engineering design qualification, and units with grade I or above construction general contracting qualification can directly apply for corresponding grade a engineering design qualification. The performance of general contracting of corresponding scale projects can be declared as the performance of design and construction. Design units are encouraged to apply for construction qualification. Units that have obtained comprehensive qualification for engineering design, class a qualification for Industry and class a qualification for construction engineering can directly apply for class I qualification for general contracting of corresponding categories.


The general contractor shall be selected by means of bidding or direct contract awarding. In the design, procurement or construction of a general contracting project, if any item falls within the scope of the project subject to bidding according to law and meets the scale standard specified by the state, the general contracting unit shall be selected by bidding. The construction unit may put forward the requirements for the performance guarantee in the bidding documents, and require the bidding documents to specify the contents of the proposed subcontracting according to law; if there is a maximum bidding price limit, it shall specify the maximum bidding price limit or the calculation method of the maximum bidding price limit.

fourAbout the contract: the total price contract should be adopted for the general contract of the project invested by the enterprise. The form of contract price shall be reasonably determined for the general contracting of government invested projects. If a total price contract is adopted, the total price of the contract shall not be adjusted except for the circumstances that can be adjusted as agreed in the contract. The measurement rules and pricing methods of EPC can be stipulated in the contract.

fiveProject Manager:

He has obtained the corresponding registered professional qualification of engineering construction, including registered architect, registered engineer of survey and design, registered constructor or registered supervision engineer, etc.; he has obtained the senior professional title if he has not implemented the registered professional qualification; he has served as the general contracting project manager, design project leader, construction project leader or general project supervisor similar to the proposed project engineer.

0twoReturn to work

Affected by the epidemic, when to return to work was the most concerned issue of most enterprises at that time.twomonthone7On the novel coronavirus pneumonia prevention and control work, the State Council joint defense and joint control mechanism issued the guidance on the scientific control and precision measures for district and grade to do the new crown pneumonia prevention and control work. This has opened up the trend of national enterprises' recovery.

In fact, before and after the joint prevention and control mechanism of the State Council issued the opinions, many provinces and cities also issued new policies to deal with the epidemic situation. They promoted the real estate industry to resume work by strengthening online approval, speeding up operation efficiency, and handling relevant procedures.

twomonthtwosixThe Ministry of housing and urban rural development (MOHURD) issued a circular on July one, requiring local housing and construction departments at all levels to orderly promote the start-up and resumption of enterprises and projects in accordance with local epidemic prevention and control requirements. Low risk areas should comprehensively promote the start-up and resumption of enterprises and engineering projects, medium risk areas should orderly promote the start-up and resumption of enterprises and engineering projects by stages and at wrong time, and high-risk areas should ensure that the scope of start-up and resumption of enterprises can be gradually and orderly expanded after the epidemic situation is effectively prevented and controlled. Priority should be given to projects involving epidemic prevention and control, people's livelihood security and other important national economy and people's livelihood.

Although the policy encourages all localities to return to work actively, in fact, due to the impact of the epidemic, the progress of returning to work is still slow.

"The construction site has the characteristics of high concentration of personnel, large mobility and complex personnel composition, so it is difficult to prevent and control the epidemic situation." in the process of returning to work, epidemic prevention is the top priority, and any problem in any link of the work will face great risks.

0threeCost of epidemic prevention

Novel coronavirus pneumonia prevention and control in an orderly way to promote the resumption of work in enterprises is issued by the general office of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development. It is clearly stated that the cost of epidemic prevention and control due to epidemic prevention and control can be included in the project cost.

Novel coronavirus pneumonia prevention and control in an orderly manner to promote the resumption of work in the enterprise is clearly stated in the "Office of the Ministry of housing and urban rural development" in the notice on strengthening the prevention and control of new crown pneumonia.

The delay of construction period caused by epidemic prevention and control belongs to the force majeure situation stipulated in the contract.

The increased cost of epidemic prevention due to epidemic prevention and control can be included in the project cost; for the cost of labor and building materials caused by epidemic, both parties should strengthen negotiation and communication, and adjust the contract price according to the price adjustment method agreed in the contract.

0fourSupervision reform

two thousand and twentyyearthreemonthtwofour日,住建部等四部委发文,《监理工程师职业资格制度规定》、《监理工程师职业资格考试实施办法》正式印发,自印发之It shall come into force on the twoonest.工程/water conservancy/The certificate of highway and water transport supervision is one, which has been obtained and continues to be valid.

住建部、交通运输部、water conservancy部联合人力资源社会保障部正式印发《监理工程师职业资格制度规定》、《监理工程师职业资格考试实施办法》。

oneThe certificate has been obtained and continues to be valid:

之前取得的公路水运工程监理工程师资格证书以及water conservancy工程建设监理工程师资格证书,效用不变。

Through the national unified examination organized by the Ministry of human resources and social security and the Ministry of housing and urban rural development, the professional qualification certificate of supervision engineer obtained is equivalent to the professional qualification certificate of supervision engineer in this regulation.

twoProfessional qualification examination for supervision engineer

The valid period of the qualified results of the original supervision engineer qualification examination within the valid period shall be extendedfouryear为一个周期管理。考试全国统一大纲、统一命题、统一组织。专业科目分为土木建筑工程、交通运输工程、water conservancy工程three个专业类别。土木建筑工程专业由住房和城乡建设部负责;交通运输工程专业由交通运输部负责;water conservancy工程专业由water conservancy部负责。考试成绩实行fouryear为一个周期的滚动管理办法,在连续的four个考试year度内通过全部考试科目,方可取得监理工程师职业资格证书。

Additional items: those who have obtained one kind of professional qualification and apply for the examination of other professional subjects can be exempted from the examination of basic subjects.

Test scoresfourHalf a day.

threeThose who meet one of the following conditions can apply for the examination: (cancel the requirement of professional title)

(one) With college degree (or higher vocational education) in engineering major, engaged in engineering construction, supervision, design and other business worksixyear;

(two) Bachelor degree or degree in engineering, management science and engineering, engaged in engineering construction, supervision, design and other businessfouryear;

(3) With master's degree or professional degree in engineering, management science and engineering, engaged in engineering construction, supervision, design, etctwoyear;

(four) He has a doctorate in engineering, management science and engineering.

The areas approved to carry out the pilot project shall have bachelor's degree or above if they apply for the supervision engineer professional qualification examination.

Previous registration requirements:

Those who have a college degree or above in engineering technology or engineering economics and meet one of the following conditions can apply for the supervision engineer qualification examination.


Have the senior professional and technical positions of engineering technology or engineering economy evaluated and employed in accordance with the relevant provisions of the state.

four、注册与执业:经批准注册的申请人,由住房和城乡建设部、交通运输部、water conservancy部分别核发《中华人民共和国监理工程师注册证》(或电子证书)。执业时应持注册证书和执业印章。

住房和城乡建设部、交通运输部、water conservancy部按照职责分工建立监理工程师注册管理信息平台,由住建部负责归集全国监理工程师注册信息。监理工程师不得同时受聘于两个或两个以上单位执业,不得允许他人以本人名义执业,严禁"Certificate affiliation". Those who rent or lend registration certificates shall be punished in accordance with relevant laws and regulations; those who constitute a crime shall be investigated for criminal responsibility according to law. If he obtains the professional qualification of supervision engineer, he can be recognized as having the professional title of engineer.

fiveExamination setupfourSubjects, of whichtwoThere are three basic subjects,twoIt's a professional subject.six、具备以下条件之一的,可免考基础科目:(一)已取得公路水运工程监理工程师资格证书;(二)已取得water conservancy工程建设监理工程师资格证书。

0fiveMigrant workers' wages

Since the promulgation of the regulations of the State Council on the protection of migrant workers' wage paymenttwo thousand and twentyyearfivemonthoneIt shall come into force on the twoonest.人工费拨付周期不得超过one个month,逾期罚款,未实名登记不得进入施工现场,追责政府项目拖欠,压实建设单位nineBig responsibility.

two thousand and twentyyear国务院发布《保障农民工工资支付条例》,自fivemonthoneIt shall come into force on the twoonest.

Article 24 stipulates that the period of labor cost allocation shall not exceedone个month。

Article 28 stipulates that personnel who have not signed a labor contract or registered in their real name shall not enter into the project site for construction.

The "Regulations" formally defines the main responsibility and territorial responsibility of wage payment, especially the responsibility of construction units.

oneIn case of default due to insufficient funds for government projects, the administrative department of human resources and social security shall report to the people's government at the same level for approval, and shall be held responsible令限期足额拨付所拖欠的资金;逾期不拨付的,约谈直接责任部门和相关监管部门负责人,必要时进行通报,约谈地方人民政府负责人;情节严重的,对地方人民政府及其有关部门负责人、直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员依法依规给予处分;政府投资项目建设单位未经批准立项建设、擅自扩大建设规模、擅自增加投资概算、未及时拨付工程款等导致拖欠农民工工资的,约谈建设单位负责人,并作为其业绩考核、薪酬分配、评优评先、职务晋升等的重要依据。


three、建设单位有下列情形之一的,责令限期改正;逾期不改正的,责令项目停工,并处five万元以上one0万元以下的罚款:建设单位未依法提供工程款支付担保;建设单位未按约定及时足额向农民工工资专用账户拨付工程款中的人工费用;建设单位拒不提供或者无法提供工程施工合同Migrant workers' wages专用账户有关资料。







two thousand and twentyyear7monthtwonine日,住房和城乡建设部网站发布《工程造价改革工作方案》,取消最高投标限价按“定额计价”的规定。

two thousand and twentyyear7monthtwonine日,住房和城乡建设部网站发布《工程造价改革工作方案》,决定在全国房地产开发项目,以及北京市、浙江省、湖北省、广东省、广西壮族自治区有条件的国有资金投资的房屋建筑、市政公用工程项目进行工程造价改革试点。






two thousand and twentyyear7month,住建部、国家发改委等onethree部门联合下发《关于推动智能建造与建筑工业化协同发展的指导意见》,确定未来fiveyear建筑业大方向!确定one0个关键词:支柱产业、转型升级、拉动内需、装配式、智能化装备、机器代人、智能控制造楼机、全产业链General contracting企业、CIM

two thousand and twentyyear7month,住建部、国家发改委等onethree部门联合下发《关于推动智能建造与建筑工业化协同发展的指导意见》,提出“大力发展建筑工业化为载体,以数字化、智能化升级为动力,创新突破相关核心技术,加大智能建造在工程建设各环节应用,形成涵盖科研、设计、生产加工、施工装配、运营等全产业链融合一体的智能建造产业体系,提升工程质量安全、效益和品质,有效拉动内需,培育国民经济新的增长点”。





国务院印发《保障中小企业款项支付条例》,自two thousand and twentyyearninemonthoneIt shall come into force on the twoonest.支付工程款不得超过six0天,逾期支付利息。

国务院第7two8号令《保障中小企业款项支付条例》,自two thousand and twentyyearninemonthoneIt shall come into force on the twoonest.为保障中小企业被拖欠的款项及时支付,《条例》规定:













two thousand and twentyyearonetwomonthtwo日,住建部发布《关于印发建设工程企业资质管理制度改革方案的通知》。one0类施工总承包企业特级资质调整为施工综合资质,threesix类专业承包资质整合为one8类等。设置oneyear过渡期,到期后实行简单换证。





two thousand and twentyyearonetwomonthnine日,住房和城乡建设部印发《建筑市场信用信息分级标准(征求意见稿)》并向社会公开征求意见。加快推进建筑市场信用体系建设、规范建筑市场秩序。



